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캐나다 온타리오주 토론토 NBA 랩터스 축하파티에서 총격전 사고 현장영상

by 경톨 2019. 6. 21.


NBA Finals: Scary scene as police respond to shooting during celebration in Toronto

Toronto Paramedics say a person is in life-threatening condition

 after a shooting in the city’s downtown early Friday.

A spokesperson told Global News emergency crews were called to the area of 

Yonge and Gould streets, north of Dundas Street East, at around 4:15 a.m.

Toronto police confirmed that a man was taken to hospital with injuries.

The incident comes hours after thousands of Raptors fans flooded

 the area as the team won the NBA Finals in Oakland, Calif. 


총 격발 생후 토론토 경찰들이 현장 장악하는 장면과 부상자를 구급차로 후송하는 장면이

 영상속에 담겨있습니다.


앞면과 뒷면에 커다란 POLICE 패치를 부착한 방탄조끼를 착용하여 서로 간의 피아식별이 잘됩니다.


