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NYPD 수집/이야기와 정보

뉴욕경찰 2016년 홍보영상 Safe and Fair

by 경톨 2017. 2. 21.

2016년 NYPD 홍보 영상입니다.

목소리의 주인공은  미국드라마 blue bloods에서 뉴욕경찰청장역을 맡고있는 Thomas William Selleck입니다.

The NYPD is an agency that is changing how it does business—changing

 how it connects with the public, how it relates to its officers, 

and how it keeps the residents, visitors, and workforce of this city safe.

 Occurring across multiple platforms, these changes reflect the 

new standards of professional law enforcement— here and across the nation.

